Spring Boot 3.3 is releasing today! And once again it contains a lot of useful observability changes and improvements. 

Spring Boot 3.3: Top 7 Observability Enhancements - Spring Digma 3

Observability was a key focus for the Spring team in this release, and the importance of production-ready applications was once again underscored during the latest Spring Office Hours hosted by Dan Vega, Jonathan Ivanov, and Tommy Ludwig. The stream was inspiring, so I decided to share a short post about the interesting enhancements in observability.

“In organizations with hundreds of different services talking to each other, observability is critical. Without it, you’re just not going to know what’s going on. That’s one of the big criticisms of the whole microservice movement: you have many more applications and instances, making it difficult to understand what’s happening. That’s where observability becomes very critical, and these particular features feel almost magical in their utility.” Tommy Ludwig.

Here are 7 observability enhancements 


observations can be enabled for simple/direct/stream listeners, and on RabbitTemplate using properties.


  • Micrometer 1.13+ requires us to add a dependency on org.glassfish.jersey.ext:jersey-micrometer as the Jersey support has been deprecated.
  • MetricsApplicationEventListener has been replaced by ObservationApplicationEventListener
  • tag customization is now handled through a JerseyObservationConvention bean rather than JerseyTagsProvider


@SpanTag is now supported


Support for tagged fields has been added


  • Support for tagged and local fields has been added
  • upgrade to 6.0


Upgrade to 3.0 thus enabling us to: define different encodings, dynamic endpoint sources, …​


Spring boot 3.3 now supports the https://github.com/prometheus/client_java/releases/tag/v1.0.0[Prometheus 1.* client]. Do note that it contains some breaking changes such as the exported metric names, and the use of the https://github.com/prometheus/pushgateway[Prometheus push gateway] is not supported yet. If this poses an impediment and you want to continue using the 0.* version then you should remove the `io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus` and add `io.micrometer:micrometer-registry-prometheus-simpleclient`

If you don’t the auto-configuration won’t work!

New properties

We’ve once again received some observability enhancements: We’ve once again received some observability enhancements

NameDefault valueDescription
management.info.process.enabledfalse Whether to enable the new process InfoContributor.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.direct.observation-enabledfalse Whether to enable observation.
spring.rabbitmq.listener.stream.observation-enabledfalse Whether to enable observation.
spring.rabbitmq.template.observation-enabledfalse Whether to enable observation.
management.observations.long-task-timer.enabledfalse Whether to enable observation.
management.observations.long-task-timer.enabledfalse Whether a LongTaskTimer should be created for every observation.

Changed properties

NameNew valuePrevious valuespring.pulsar.listener.observation-enabled
false truespring.pulsar.template.observations-enabledfalse


While not directly observability related, do keep in mind in case you’re using Gradle, and the native build tools to build your project for GraalVM you’ll need to make certain you’re using at least version 0.10.0 of the plugin.

Conclusion: Spring Boot 3.3: Observability Enhancements

As always, there are a lot of interesting enhancements observability-wise.

I can highly recommend using the Digma plugin to easily view your ingested observation in IntelliJ. Digma smoothly integrates with JetBrains so you don’t even need to leave your development environment and automatically get certain insights  for problematic queries such as N+1 issues when querying data

Digma uses OpenTelemetry behind the scenes to collect data about the code. To get started, all you have to do is install Digma from the IntelliJ marketplace and run your code. Even locally you can gather a log of data just by activating your code or running tests. You can get even more comprehensive data by connecting Digma with a CI, Staging, or Production environment.

Spring Boot 3.3: Top 7 Observability Enhancements - FAEBFl0QNXLLZySSeEBstC7v XDLs0pEF1NbpKUEaIANbmz1C1zdVNIdxRJKAxZrFdpUn0P VRh4h ctUz ALJWIDX6a7WeXyvtjSbov NkZ5Hnyh19qviycwYJd KY8fTnad1ihMdVBaqsDjlLh5D8

Digma Continuous Feedback Plugin

I also recommend perusing the Spring Boot 3.3 release notes.

***This article was contributed to the Digma blog by Simon Verhoeven, a Senior Software Engineer and Java Consultant with a particular focus on Cloud quality and Maintainability. 

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